

不过现在已经在 http://fkpwolf.net 上面了





in reference to:

"这里是上牌摇号,外地人限购,那边是将养不起的人口划拨出去。 同一个地球,同一个主义,同一个做法啊。"
- 南方周末 - 金贵的平壤户口 (view on Google Sidewiki)





site moved to fkpwolf.net



1. 这种东西还可以移植到Netbook上面。对于上网本,肯定是个不小的冲击。相比较linux上网本,虽然内核一样,但是google做过包装,它包装的应该比一般的发行版要好,特别是UI方面。


3.Android上的Market模式有点模仿Apple App Store,但是个人认为这会同个人电脑上的软件开发一样,手工作坊式的开发只是小打小闹的。但是容易安装的优点和长尾的考虑让其有一席之地。



View Google Reader in Android Browser through Yahoo Pipes

I am fan of Google Reader. So when I got a Android G1 device, soon I visited the site through it. Now I can view blogs when I was on the traffic to office. It is cool. But one problem I encountered is the font size is too small to read comfortably. I have tried to set the font size to "large" in browser setting and it works at some common page like www.google.com but not Reader. It looks that Google Reder did some optimize for mobile device(It designed for iPhone at first) and the browser can't adjust itself on font size.

I think I just to want to make the main content's font of blog item bigger.

Greasemonkey is power tool to customize web page. I tried OilCan - Greasymonkey on Android browser. It has an innovative idea but still at beta phase. Google chromium has supported it but at Android chrome lite should not support it at now.

Yahoo Pipes fits this case perfectly. Look below pipe flow:

It was simple: just surround the blog content with a font size modification. Then it works. You can view this pipe from here. Thanks Yahoo to create this great tool. The web UI is impressed and intuitive for building a flow. All operations can be finished by drag & drop or drop-box.

More on this, Pipes can be seen as cloud computing. It is running at Yahoo's server. Different with Google App Engine which is sophisticated and for programmer, it is for general user who does not need to have programming experience. Of course it has less function then full feature language. Its input just accepts RSS and others feeds defined in advance. The more inputs type, the more powerful Pipes becomes.


Use Apache Synapse as web service proxy

This is a power configuration tool to mock and test web service.


edit on android

Some site like Google Reader has cared this device. Some not, like this site.
Should we need to refactory site? Or write a new client expecially for specific application. Some like write a offline blog writter. Because here when javascript is complex, android cannot render correctly.