
Rethink the big element in web page: Data Table


  Data Table is heavily used in information system. In most case, these tables just display a query result set. They are read only. The operations on them are: paging, sorting, single selection and multi-selection. The all elements of a table include: field, field title, sort and page number state, and value format(or convert). In some extend, a data table is not too much associated with other page elements. So it will be a better way to define a table in one place other than several places in application.

Commet, Grizzly and Tomcat 6

  一个比较早的对这方面讨论的帖子在这里: Comet,下一代Ajax? DW上面好几篇文章做了介绍:Comet:基于 HTTP 长连接的“服务器推”技术面向 Java 开发人员的 Ajax: 使用 Jetty 和 Direct Web Remoting 编写可扩展的 Comet 应用程序。在《Ajax Design Patterns》这本书上也有介绍,不过称为HTTP Streaming。Java EE 迎合 Web 2.0 采用事件驱动的异步架构应对现代 Web 应用程序带来的挑战这篇文章从理论的高度说明了异步模式对提高系统吞吐量的作用。

  Servlet和NIO的使用可以参考Servlet API 和 NIO: 最终组合在一起 使用非阻塞 I/O 构建基于 Servlet 的 Web 服务器。虽然是一篇较早的文章,仍然提供了很多关于NIO的有用信息。

  Tomcat 6里面相关NIO的配置可以参考其文档,只用修改Connector的protocol即可。接下来可以写一个简单的Servlet A,其implements CometProcessor接口。为测试方便,将Sender存放在Application变量中,在另外一个Servlet B中就可以调用Sender的send(...)方法,当浏览器访问A时,可以动态看到Server端push过来的信息(这时浏览器会一直处于页面正在装载的状态,实际应用中可以用AJAX来接受信息)。

  由于是长连接,数据在传送过程中就存在缓冲的问题。一般的一个Server端的发送到客户端的消息(注意这里不是一个响应)不会很大,而默认的Tomcat缓冲配置偏大,导致客户端响应滞后,出现这种奇怪的现象:1)当send(...)方法触发多次后,server才会一次把消息全部push到客户端(即是每次使用了flush方法);2)1 发生后,每次的send(...)的调用会导致server段立即把这条消息发送到客户端(这是buffer又好像不存在一样)。

  对于Tomcat 6自带例子里面的bug,也有位哥们在他的blog中提到:Asynchronous IO is hard!



Use JPA with Hibernate in Netbeans(Tomcat)

0. prerequisite
  Tomcat 6.0.14
  Netbeans 6 rc1
  Hibernate core 3.2.5GA
  Hibernate EntityManager 3.3.1GA

1. Add a new JPA library implement
  The default used TopLink. Change to Hibernate.

2. Adjust in JSF design
The default data provider ObjectArrayDataProvider works not well with JSF design UI.


  My target is when let a jsf table "Bind to Data", the all fields of a Hibernate JOPO can be chosen as the  above dialog. These displayed fields come from provider's getFieldKeys method which is part of interface DataProvider signature. So the simplest way is to extends ObjectArrayDataProvider and overide that method. Or just use setObjectType(Student.class). Be sure to compile that class manually so the JSF Design can take this change into account.

Why not use :

private ObjectArrayDataProvider objectArrayDataProvider1 = new ObjectArrayDataProvider(someType);

It does not work. Even I put them in _init() method of backend bean, as the CachedRowSet provider does.

3. Done.